Persica Roses
Elegant eye catcher for garden, terrace and balcony
New: rose with eye
There is a new, spectacular group of Garden Roses: Rosa ‘ Persica ‘. This compact, single-flowered Bush rose is characterized by a rich bloom and a striking ‘ eye ‘ in a contrasting color. The flower looks at you as it were! The new rose is available with red, light pink, dark pink, pastelyellow or orange flowers and suitable for both garden and balcony and terrace in pot.
Persica roses are also attractive to butterflies and bees. Because the flower is wide open, they can easily suck up nectar.
Persica roses are about 60 centimeters high and loves a place in the Sun. Persica roses are very strong, they are suitable for extreme cold and dry climats.
Persica roses blooms year after year!
The prices in our webshop relate to bare root roses.