Cinderella | Heesterrozen/klimrozen | Rosarium Lottum

Märchen rozen

Märchenroses are new, fairy-tale roses from W.Kordes’ Söhne that should not be missing in any romantic garden.

Their nostalgic double flowers are reminiscent of the past and, in addition, Märchen roses excel by more than good leaf health and robust growth.

These roses are generally used in high beds, in groups of three, as a solitary shrub and as an impenetrable hedge. The planting distance depends on the application and the individual vigor of the variety. In general, the planting distance is 60-100 cm. Most varieties look best when planted in groups of three. ( mutual planting distance approx. 45 cm ). In this way the roses form a dense bush, which flowers more regularly and richly, giving a greater effect in the border.


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