A delicately beautiful, rather unusual climber, bearing pretty pointed buds which open to medium-sized, loosely double, light pink flowers. Produced in large open sprays over a very long season, the flowers are held on slender dark stems and gradually open to expose golden stamens. There is a light-medium Old Rose scent with hints of fruit. It is healthy and almost thornless with relatively small, dark green leaves. The right to name this rose was auctioned on behalf of The National Trust.A delicately beautiful, rather unusual climber, bearing pretty pointed buds which open to medium-sized, loosely double, light pink flowers. Produced in large open sprays over a very long season, the flowers are held on slender dark stems and gradually open to expose golden stamens. There is a light-medium Old Rose scent with hints of fruit. It is healthy and almost thornless with relatively small, dark green leaves. The right to name this rose was auctioned on behalf of The National Trust.