An uplifting rose bearing unusual open cupped flowers of soft
yellow, paling to cream. The scallop-shaped, incurved petals
are loosely yet generously assembled around a central boss
of golden stamens, creating a soft, airy appearance. There is a
spectacular first flush of blooms, which are borne in well spaced
sprays and displayed proudly against the mid-green, semi-glossy
foliage. Forms a healthy, medium-sized upright bush with a light
myrrh fragrance, whose hips must be removed to encourage
repeat flowering. Named in honour of Aneurin (Nye) Bevan,
founder of Britain’s National Health Service and in recognition
of the NHS, its people and associated organisations and charities.An uplifting rose bearing unusual open cupped flowers of soft
yellow, paling to cream. The scallop-shaped, incurved petals
are loosely yet generously assembled around a central boss
of golden stamens, creating a soft, airy appearance. There is a
spectacular first flush of blooms, which are borne in well spaced
sprays and displayed proudly against the mid-green, semi-glossy
foliage. Forms a healthy, medium-sized upright bush with a light
myrrh fragrance, whose hips must be removed to encourage
repeat flowering. Named in honour of Aneurin (Nye) Bevan,
founder of Britain’s National Health Service and in recognition
of the NHS, its people and associated organisations and charities.